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What’s really going on, your one stop shop to see what’s happening in the 239

About Rob

Hello all and thank you for taking the time to visit 239LIFE. I would like to take a moment to tell you a little bit about myself. 
My name is Rob Beauchesne, a native to sunny SW Florida. Living in this area for over 40 years, I’ve seen countless changes in our community. More and more our cities are growing due to the tropical atmosphere we all love, whether it be locals or friends passing through on vacation. 
Over the years, I’ve always struggled with trying to find things to do in our area. Which is where my passion for 239LIFE came to life. I would end up looking online, in the newspaper and other places but could never find one place that would have what I’m looking for. One Sunday my wife Christina and I were looking for something to do with our little ones. We finally found something after searching for almost an hour. It was an air show that was ending in 30mins. See where this is going?? 
So I figured, if I can’t find a centralized spot for events, why not create one?? There are so many things going on in this beautiful area and I believe that if more people knew about them, more people would attend. So if you or someone you know has an event, fundraiser or anything you would like to invite the masses to, let us know and we will help spread the word. Thank you again for visiting and we hope you live the best 239Life you can!

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